Sizzling Summer Dating Series June-August 2013

By Keisha Stoute

Has it been a while since you’ve dated? Put your worries to rest and get ready to get out and get noticed! Everyone has experienced a drought but the key is to know what you want and devise a plan to get it! The summer time is a great time to meet new people, have fun and to try exciting things. Before you get yourself in a tiff, determine what type of relationship you want. There are two main types of relationships, monogamous and casual. In a monogamous relationship you and the other person are exclusive and you are committed to each other. A casual relationship consists of occasional dates, with no strings attached and no commitment. Since you have not been dating in a while you may want get a feel for what is out there and observe what kind of contenders are coming your way. Remember, once you have determined what you really want, do not settle! Quality is always better than quantity.

 Getting noticed is easier than you think; here are some great tips to
make it happen:

 1.  Go to events by yourself.  If you want to meet potential prospects you must go solo. When you are solo you will be more likely to make the best of your time and will create opportunities.  Remember you are there for a reason. Do not act shy. Networking, single mixers and themed events are excellent places to start.

 2. Look friendly and available. People go by first impressions. If you appear to be closed off with your hands folded in dismay do not be surprised if others are avoiding you. Yikes! Smile a lot and laugh when appropriate. Look like you are having a great time. Initiating conversation is a great way to break the
3.  Keep your options open.  During this time you may have a lot of contenders approaching you and asking you for your number; give it to the ones you want and keep your options open. Even if you have found someone that you like do not put all your eggs in one basket too soon. Often times people appear to be available when in fact they are not, do not sell yourself short.

 4.  Don’t go out with anyone the same day you meet them.  Believe it or not it happens. These individuals who ask you out on the same day are usually looking for short term fun. If someone is interested in you they will follow your schedule and will make a more appropriate date and public place where you both can meet. 

5.  Be safe and follow your gut. Don’t fall for the okedoke! Follow you instinct, if something does not sound right then it probably is not. When dating someone new always tell a reliable friend, family member or neighbor where you are going and with whom you are going out with.

Do not over analyze and try not to be too critical. No one is perfect! Dating is a trial and error process so you will live and learn. Have fun getting out and getting noticed!

Jacqueline Cyrus
6/17/2013 03:55:15 am

Thinking outside the social network box is understanding that you can explore your opportunities in having fun alone or with friends.

6/17/2013 05:58:46 am

GREAT and helpful tips. The only thing missing here is a "Keisha catch phrase". lol! Keep the great posts coming.

7/15/2013 01:11:40 am

Great post Keisha. Simple tips that women still don't seem to grasp.


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